This is the official website of KT555 LTD

General rules for distance contract

This online store of products offered by the seller on the one hand, hereafter called SELLER, and person, who is placing order, hereafter called BUYER, on other hand, conclude agreement: 

SELLER comits, that he will  sell and deliver BUYER'S goods that is appropriate for order buyer made.

Order and payment methods: You can choose from two different payment options:  if you choose option ''wire transfer'',  after placing your order you will see ''get invoice'' botton, when clicking on it you will see your Order Invoice and all KT555 LTD companies details including IBAN number where to transfer requested money. In few minutes you will also receive Invoice at your indicated e-mail.

If you choose  paying with PayPal, after placing your order you will  be automaticlly tranfered to PayPal web page. In few minutes time you will receive invoice at your indicated e-mail.

Shipping: When placing your order you will see 5 different shipping options, choose correctly from provided options, otherwise your order could be canceled. Your order will be shipped as soon as we will receive your payment. Normally shipping takes 3-5 business days to Europe, 7-10 day's to USA and etc.

Warranty: goods that are sold on this webpage are provided by manifacturer warranty that can't be less than 2 years.

Rights of cancellation: Buyer has right's to abandon from his offer in time of 14 day's from moment he received it's product, by sending seller a refusal letter. In 7 day's time after sending refusal letter, buyer's duty is to send/give back product to the seller. All costs that  will occur  to return product is paid by buyer.

Buyer can't use rights of cancellation, if:

  • product is specially made for individual order;
  • product or it's content has been damaged.

Latvian Republic law of Consumer Protection rights article nr. 12 part 6 determines: ''consumer is responsible for remaining quality and reliability of product during time of cancellation''. Seller reserves the right's to cancel the refusal agreement or deduct compensation fee if: 

  • product is damaged;
  • user failed to comply with product instruction;
  • some of original content has been lost or significantly damaged. 

Data processing

By entering the required information and completing order, buyer agrees, that information and data he provided is being used for seller to take and carry out buyer's order according to Latvian Republic Law requirements. By entering information, buyer agrees, that he will receive notification e-mail's about it's order process.


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